For whom?
Find out here, whether NPE neurotraining is right for you at this moment.

For adults and children
Neuropsychological Embodiment may be an option for adults and children affected by an immature nervous system, see symptoms.
Additionally, NPE can also be helpful with:
- The overcoming of trauma (in conjunction with trauma therapy).
- The regulation of the metabolism, e.g. blood sugar problems (in connection with a treatment of the metabolism)
- The regulation of the hormonal balance, especially stress hormones (in connection with a treatment of the hormonal system)
- Problems of the immune system, susceptibility to infections (in connection with other therapies of the metabolism or immune system)
- High sensitivity (in connection with trauma therapy and regulation of the adrenal glands)
- Sleep disorders (in connection with sleep hygiene measures, etc.)
- Problems of the musculoskeletal system
- Low stress tolerance
- Inner tension
- Training blockades
NPE is aimed at developing the best possible performance of the nervous system. What that means in detail varies. For some people, a lack of nervous system development can affect health, for others it results in blocks to personal development, blocks to healing in other treatments, or “just” a loss of quality of life. For still others, the development of the nervous system is a matter of optimizing performance, e.g. for professional or demanding athletes.
“In my experience, training a muscle that is not switched properly due to rigidity in a survival reaction is an arduous undertaking with little chance of success. To release a muscle from its tension without considering the superordinated reflexes is just as difficult.”
Ute Wolter – Therapieresistent – was nun?, page 57
For whom not?
People who have little stamina and are not ready to perform a daily exercise program for 5-10 minutes a day for several months
Pregnant women
People who still have fresh surgery scars
People with a psychiatric diagnosis
People with epilepsy
People with a fresh herniated disc or other organic diseases of the musculoskeletal system
People who are very exhausted – here we advise that the affected person first regains some strength through other methods
Neuropsychological Embodiment was developed to optimally complement a natural regulation of the metabolism according to the concept of Integral Evolution (Metahormonix Pro). But it is not a prerequisite for NPE neurotraing.
Nevertheless, it is recommended to choose a nutrient-dense and less irritating form of nutrition during the time of training, such as clean eating.
Since growth always needs energy, taking nutrients can also be useful.
If you would like to put together your own nutritional supplementation program, take a look at Metahormonix.
If you would like to work with a practitioner, go to Integral Evolution.