Find out more about the application of the NPE neurotraining.

The following list with symptoms is not exhaustive. We want to give you an idea about the circumstances in which NPE neurotraining might be beneficial.
Persistent neonatal reflexes
- Inability of the nervous system to regulate itself “down” after small stressful situations, the stressful situation has a lasting effect for hours
- Dizziness
- Balance disorders
- Overload with multitasking
- Hyperactivity in children and adults
- Concentration disorders, problems with focus
- Clumsiness, possibly only in some areas (swimming is o.k., ball sports are not)
- Visual disturbances
- Aversion to larger crowds
- Aversion to touch, sometimes increased in certain parts of the body
- Difficulty to distinguish right and left, to read the clock, to copy movements in a mirror image
- Difficulties with temperature regulation
- Increased need for sleep
- Difficulties to follow sequences (organization of daily life, difficulties to learn choreographies, difficulties to learn by heart)
- Dyslexia (difficulty in reading or spelling), dyscalculia (difficulty in calculating)
- Difficulties in learning to write (e.g. due to lack of motor skills to hold the pen)
- Lack of sense of orientation
- Difficulties with reading (often disguised as an aversion to reading)
- Shortening of individual muscle groups (resulting in “stiffness” or “pelvic obliquity”, for example)
Not integrated adult reflexes
- Lack of emotional and mental flexibility
- Feeling of inner tension
- Stiffness
- Posture problems
- Pain in joints and muscles caused by tension
- Tension in the jaw
- Instability of the pelvic region
- Problems with organs below the diaphragm caused by misalignment of the pelvis
- Tight and hardened fasciae
- Facial wrinkles, especially crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles
- Lack of stress tolerance
Incomplete sensory integration
Problems in the interaction and interconnection of:
- Balance
- Body perception (proprioception)
- Posture
- Vision (accommodation, double vision, sensitivity to light)
- Hearing (sensitivity to sound)
- Smell
- Taste
- Touch/sensation
- Coordination of the hand in relation to the sensory organs
People are different in their sensitivity of the nervous system. In some cases, however, over-sensitivity or under-sensitivity as well as over-sensitive or under-sensitive self perception can have a detrimental effect on the person concerned, resulting in a loss of quality of life. Neurotraining can have a harmonizing effect in this regard.
Bilateral integration
Problems with the interaction and interconnection of the left and right hemispheres of the brain, see also detailed table here.
Underdevelopment of the limbic system
The limbic system is responsible for our emotional life and the ability to equally give and take in relationships. Indications of problems with the limbic system can be:
- Predominance of behaviors typical of the brainstem: “I want! Now! At once!”
- Lack of facial expressions, facial expressions do not match the feelings present
- Expressionless body language
- Difficulty in setting boundaries
- Difficulty in giving and taking equally in relationships
- Difficulty recognizing specific needs (I’m hungry instead of I’m hungry for salad or I feel like having sex, but only with a partner I find emotionally appealing)
Problems with the limbic system are also often caused by early childhood trauma, although we made the experience that neurological and psychological developmental gaps are usually closely linked.
By suppressing the brainstem through strengthening adult reflexes as well as the limbic system and sensory and bilateral integration, the frontal cortex can develop optimally and link with other brain regions.